
Article 1 - Name

The name of this golf club, inaugurated in 2024 shall be "Bogeys and Stogies Golf Club," referred to hereinafter in this document as "THE CLUB".

Article 2 - Purpose

Our purpose is to enhance the golfing experience for New York City residents and visitors by providing seamless access to premier golf courses. We are dedicated to fostering a vibrant golfing community through exceptional service, convenient transportation, and guaranteed tee times. Our commitment is to remove the barriers of urban living, making golf more accessible and enjoyable for all enthusiasts, while promoting a healthy, active lifestyle.

Article 3 - Membership

Section 1 - Age

Membership shall be available to those 21 years of age or older.

Section 2 - Non transferable

Memberships in the club are individual and non-transferable

Section 3 - Requirements

Only golfers with a reasonable and regular opportunity to play golf with the club during its scheduled rounds. The minimum requirement of participation to remain a member in good standing is twenty-five (25%) of the scheduled rounds. The Club shall warn members who are delinquent in their responsibility to participate and, can expel or suspend a member who, after being warned, cannot or will not resume participation to at least the minimum required level. Delinquent members shall not be eligible to join the club in the following year unless this proscription is specifically waived, for example, the 100-member quota has not been satisfied. Members shall also be expected to attend club meetings and happy hours. Members must reside in NYC or Hoboken / Jersey City for at least 9 months of the year.

Section 4 - Membership Dues

The Club can establish all membership fees and dues from time to time in such amounts as they deem to be adequate to operate and maintain the club. Members shall be liable for dues until their resignation has been received. Nonpayment of dues in the amount or within the time period required by the club shall constitute grounds for suspension or expulsion.

Section 5 - Amendments to the By-Laws

The Club shall have the power to repeal or amend any of these by-laws. Any proposed amendments from members should be shared with The Club. The Club has the right to accept or reject any proposed amendments.

Article 5 - Golf Event Rules and Membership Conduct

Section 1 - Conduct

Members shall not engage in any conduct that is detrimental to the club. Members shall be respectful of other members and staff at all times. Members found to be in violation of this rule may be subject to suspension or expulsion.

Section 2 - Golf Rules

Max strokes per hole is double par. At least one member of each group must input scores into the Leaderboard Golf App for handicap tracking. Members are responsible for their own pace of play and should be ready to hit when it is their turn. Members should be aware of the rules of golf and follow proper etiquette on the course. Members found cheating or not following the rules may be subject to suspension or expulsion.

Article 6 - Payments

Section 1 - Membership Dues

Membership dues are to be paid in full by the due date. Dues are not refundable.

Section 2 - Event Payments

Payment for events is due prior to the registration deadline. Refunds are available for events prior to the registration deadline. No refunds will be issued after the registration deadline. The Club has full discretion to issue refunds in special circumstances, but are not guaranteed.